Fellows Activities

The Early Stage Researchers (fellows) are committed to get an active role in scientific outreach projects.

This page is dedicated to  the outreach activity of our fellows and documents their active participation in scientific educational events addressed to the general public.

EuroPLEx Fellow Exhibition

Studying physics is exciting and challenging.Yet, people sometimes shy away from physics because of several prejudices. In this exhibition, we wish to tackle some of them.

¿Conoces las dos caras de la fuerza fuerte ?
by our fellow Pietro Butti (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Una conexión inesperada entre la física
de partículas y la inteligencia artificial

by our fellow Dimitrios Bachtis
(University of Swansea)
published as a  regular short article in
Investigación y Ciencia (Dec. 2021)
El misterio del muon, cover story published in Investigación y Ciencia (June 2021), written by our fellow Lucius Bushnaq (TCD) with our EuroPLEx researchers Gregorio  Herdoíza (UAM) and  Marina Krstić Marinković (ETHZ).


International Masterclasses hands on  Particle Physics

Several EuroPLEx fellows participated in the International Masterclasses hands on  Particle Physics on March 17, 2021. Nelson Lachini and Alessandro Lupo in Masterclasses 2021 Edinburgh, Pietro Butti and Alessandro Conigli in  Masterclasses 2021 Madrid, Nico Battelli and Guido Nicotra  in Masterclasses 2021 Parma.

Also our fellow Nico Battelli participated in the International Masterclass – Hands on Particle Physics in 2019 as a member of the local organisation staff for the  masterclasses at  Trinity College. 



A video by the  EuroPLEx fellows
produced in collaboration with
SISSA Medialab.

Scientist: How to become one
presented at the
Researchers’ Night 2020.
Watch it also on the
EuroPLEx youtube channel.



 Ask us Anything!

Reddit AMA on theoretical physics

by the EuroPLEx fellows




a blog  hosted by
Investigación y Ciencia

List of posts in QuarkBits:

(Posts edited in Spanish by C. Pena (UAM))

¿Qué sabemos (y qué no sabemos) sobre el confinamiento?
by our fellow Nelson Lachini (14.09.2021).
¿Está el magnetismo del muon desvelando física más allá del Modelo Estándar? by our fellow Lucius Bushnaq (27.04.2021).
Paul Dirac: cuando la belleza sobrepasa al método científico,
by our fellow Nico Battelli (10.03.2021).
Cómo construir tu propio acelerador de partículas… en un PC,  
by our fellow Guido Nicotra (11.01.2021).
¿Pueden los científicos convertirse en supervillanos? 
by our fellow Daniel Jenkins (01.09.2020).
El bosón de Higgs: ¿elemental o compuesto?
by our fellow Alessandro Lupo (11.08.2020).
EIC: una inversión para el futuro, 
by our fellow Lorenzo Barca (11.06.2020).
The original of this post with title EIC: Un investimento per il futuro
was also published as an article in the journal QUID of the  Italian Mensa
(n. 2, 2020, page 56) and also in the blog Medium.com.


Equations written in the stars
by our fellow Gabriel Bliard,  online presentation at the Peterborough Astronomical Association, May 1, 2020.


European Researchers’ Night  –  Poster  on EuroPLEx activities by our fellows Emil Leeb-Lundberg and Simran Singh of the University of Parma  at the  outreach event “Notte dei ricercatori” (University of Parma)  held on September 27, 2019.



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