Our network teams and partners have a rich and continuous presence on national and international outreach scenes through seminars to a broad audience, including school children, public understanding of science articles and videos.
We take the opportunity in this page to provide a representative collection of the highly interesting recent outreach activities of the EuroPLEx teams and partners.
The information presented here is regularly updated.
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Hands on Particle Physics Masterclasses 2023 EuroPLEx nodes in Edinburgh, Madrid and Parma are present at the Masterclasses events on March 24 and 30, 2023, in collaboration with CERN. – Masterclasses 2023 Madrid (IFT, UAM-CSIC) – Masterclasses 2023 Parma (Parma U) |
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Hands on Particle Physics Masterclasses 2022 EuroPLEx nodes in Madrid, Parma and Regensburg are present at the Masterclasses event on March 25, 2022, in collaboration with CERN. Among the local organizers of the joint event many of our EuroPLEx fellows. – Masterclasses 2022 Madrid (IFT, UAM-CSIC) – Masterclasses 2022 Parma (Parma U) |
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Hands on Particle Physics Masterclasses 2021 – Masterclasses 2021 Edinburgh (Edinburgh U) |
- Hands on Particle Physics Masterclasses 2020
– 16th International Masterclasses (IFT-UAM)
– Online Particle Physics Masterclass (Swansea U)
- Hands on Particle Physics Masterclasses 2019
– International Masterclass – Hands on Particle Physics (Trinity)
– International Masterclass – Hands on Particle Physics (IFT-UAM)
- Outreach Talks and Events on Fundamental Physics topics
– A collection of talks and events by the Swansea team:
Online talk at Wye Valley River Festival (C. Allton, 2020)
Science Festival, National Waterfront Museum Swansea (2020)
Outreach talks: to high school physics students, to general public in Swansea Central Library and in Swansea Prison (2019)
– A collection of talks, videos, and events by the IFT-UAM team:
¿Se están REBELANDO los muones? (C. Pena, 2021)
#IFTlive2020 – Quantum (C. Pena et al., 2020)
#IFTlive2020: Cosmos (IFT-UAM, 2020)
Fractales (A. González-Arroyo public lecture at El Horizonte de la Física Fundamental, 2019)
El discreto encanto del color (M. Garcia Perez)
El misterioso vacío de la física cuántica y la cosmología (A. González-Arroyo)
Lo grande y lo pequeño: ¿hay realmente diferencia? (A. González-Arroyo)
La fuerza de las interacciones fundamentales (G. Herdoíza)
Predicciones del Modelo Estándar de la Física de Partículas (G. Herdoíza)
En el corazón de la materia (C. Pena)
A large number of outreach talks to high school students every year
(Program responsible: C. Pena IFT-UAM)
Programa 4ºESO+empresa (IFT-UAM)
- Short videos on specific questions from Particle Physics
– A collection by the IFT-UAM outreach team (2019-2020):
Rompiendo el continuo espacio-tiempo-Teoría de campos en el retículo (J. Dasilva)
#IFTlive2020 – Quantum (C. Pena et al.)
Why Physics? 291 Women reply(M. Garcia Perez et al.)
¿Conoces los campos de Yang-Mills? (J. Dasilva)
¿Qué son los piones?(J. Dasilva)
- Some Older Videos
¿Cuál es la fuerza más fuerte del universo? (M. Garcia Perez)
¿Qué pasaría si no existiera el Higgs? (M. Garcia Perez)
¿Qué son los axiones? (M. Garcia Perez)
¿Qué es la Cromodinámica Cuántica? (M. Garcia Perez)
El gap de las interacciones fuertes (A. González-Arroyo)
¡Monopolos magnéticos! (I) (A. González-Arroyo)
¡Monopolos magnéticos! (II) (A. González-Arroyo)
- Women & Physics
#YoutubersPorUnDia (Coordinator M. Garcia Perez for IFT-UAM, 2020)
Galería de Vídeos #YoutubersPorUnDia
Escape-road: A la búsqueda de las científicas Nobel y no Nobel
(IFT-UAM, 2020, presented also in 2020 European Researchers Night )
¿Por Qué Física? 291 Mujeres te lo Cuentan (IFT-UAM, 2020)
Escape-road: A la búsqueda de las científicas Nobel y no Nobel
(IFT-UAM, 2019)
#YoFisica & ¿Y POR QUÉ NO? (IFT-UAM, 2019)
¿Por Qué Física? 291 Mujeres te lo Cuentan (IFT-UAM, 2020)
- The IFT periodically organizes courses on current research on fundamental physics as part of the regular training programme for secondary education teachers. The latest event took place in February-March 2019, as a reparation for teachers that had enrolled in CERN’s Summer Visit Programme, and featured lectures, among others, by EuroPLEx’s researcher Carlos Pena.
- Several IFT researchers contribute with regular articles on science outreach in mainstream newspapers, feature in science broadcasts, etc.A recent example on epidemics modelling was a series of articles by the EuroPLEx’s researcher Carlos Pena in collaboration with IkerBasque and DIPC experimental physicist Juan José Gómez-Cadenasthe published in the online cultural magazine JotDown. A collection of articles of C. Pena in the magazine can be found here.